Buff hackthebox walkthrough

Hey there! This is Shreya and today I am gonna show you how to pwn buff from hackthebox. Buff is an easy level windows machine having a straightforward way to obtain initial foothold. Privilege escalation to Administrator requires to abuse a service that has its exploit available on exploit-db, still its tricky to get through. With that being said, let's get started.…


My experience at first Nullcon!

Most often people plan a trip to Goa for its beaches, the exotic cashew wine, the breathtaking sceneries and the elegant casinos. But for me, the reason was quite different. Its Nullcon. It was their 10th anniversary, after missing so many years of exclusive seminars and a bunch of elite sessions at a prime venue, I finally got my first chance to…


Remote Hackthebox walkthrough

Hey fellas!! Its time for remote from hackthebox. This was an easy Windows machine. The initial foothold for the machine was based on CVE of a CMS and has a straight-forward privilege escalation to Administrator.With all that said, let’s get started!! Scan the host for the open ports and services. # nmap -sC -sV -oA remote.nmap The output revealed 3 interesting…

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